Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Beat Goes On

Thursday was my second shot. This one was different in that I didn't run the really high fever at all that night. No, it waited until Friday. All day on Friday, I stayed in bed. I had all three cats on me, equally about 306 degrees F coupled with my own 104 degrees F. I was the hottest spot in the house and let's face it, we all know cats aren't stupid. They knew where the heat was. Oh I got up every now and again to get something to drink, do the necessaries and all that, but mostly, I slept the day away. I'll hope to be feeling better tomorrow because today was a really slack off and do nothing day. I can't afford that luxury.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

And So It Begins

On Thursday, November 6th, I took my first doses of the new treatment medications. I do not rmember from the first round, but this one hit me hard and fast. I took my shot and pills at 3:45 PM and by 9:30 PM I was running a very high fever and shivering as though cold blood was running through my veins.

Friday morning, I awoke around 4:30AM, soaking wet and very, very ill. I was so muscle-sore I could barely move.

Saturday morning was much better, but I went back to bed and slept the rest of the day. Saturday night, I felt almost human again.

Today has been a mix of tired and nauseated.

The plans for the evening, since Hubby had to go into work on overtime tonight, are to clean the two litterboxes and run the vacuum cleaner. Hopefully, after those things are done, I will still have enough energy to clean up the sink and do some laundry.

And so it begins.